Education & Community-Social Wellness
Lake Castagna is a consultant in Oregon serving businesses and education agencies with the following and similar activities: Affinity Group Support, Community Connections, Events, Policy Analysis, & Professional Learning
About Lake Castagna
Lake (they/she) is a licensed educator for 6th to 12th grade. They have taught in 3 different school settings, including a traditional comprehensive middle school, a school that serves 7th to 12th grade students who are impacted by the justice system, and a K-8 special education school that serves students with emotional and behavioral needs.
Lake founded and runs the non-profit Queer Eugene, which serves the community through 3 main tenets: Resources, Education, and Community. These tenets grew out of Lake’s perspective for creating and supporting community.
Lake has been been working as an Educator & Community-Social Wellness Consultant part-time, and as of 2024 has made it their full-time work.
Affinity Group Support
Create, maintain, and/or support affinity groups for youth and adults
Help affinity groups with direction of meetings and activities
Provide resources for participants of the affinity groups
Provide leadership training and advocacy training to affinity group members
Community Connections
Build relationships between organizations to help create more support within the area that will mutually benefit the participants
Develop programs and events between organizations that will allow for more support of chosen focal groups
Support with planning and executing events that support marginalized groups in an organization (could be focused on a single group or joining multiple groups together)
Providing suggestions to previously established events to offer perspectives and ideas to better incorporate equity & inclusion
Policy Analysis
Analysis of policies and protocols that organizations use for decision making
Analysis of documents (hiring paperwork, job applications, job duties, etc) to look at equitable and inclusive language and framing in the documents
Policy template designing and draft writing for topics and ideas that the organization wants to implement but doesn’t know where to start
Support with implementing new initiatives